Borrego Palm Canyon Loop: Anza-Borrego Desert State Wilderness – California ❤️❤️❤️ Click for the latest Borrego Springs weather forecast.

Crimson Fountaingrass & Stream

Crimson Fountaingrass & Stream

3/15/2022: This is a nice hike. Lots of cacti, a pretty stream and beautiful palm grove at the end. This time of year, do it early because it gets hot out there and there is very little shade. I advise doing the alternate trail first and then the main trail back (clockwise loop).

Marg’s Notes: 88o/61o Anza-Borrego State Park. We actually got moving a bit earlier! We had over an hour drive to the park. The biggest state park in CA. Started hiking on the Palm Canyon Trail at 8:42. It was already warm. A fairly easy hike. A bit rocky at the end. We saw lots of flowers! Quite a few people…mostly older! The hike in was just under 2 miles. We saw lots of flowering ocotillo cacti. Lots of pics! Towards the end we were near a creek. The trail ended at another palm oasis. There had been a fire there in 2020 (Jan 18, man made ☹). So, we could not go into the palms. The trunks were black, but all the trees survived! Again, we took an alternate trail on the way back (that’s what it was called!). Very Hot and Rod’s foot hurt. 2.68 miles in 1.5 hours [Rod got 3.25 miles]. A nice trail. If I did it again, I would do the “Alternate” Trail first. It was more exposed. We got off trail once. Then, finished on the main trail. Back for a rest! Swim! Shower!

Pot pie, Salad

Flowering Ocotillo

Flowering Ocotillo

Rod’s Ramblings from the Trail: Starting out about 8:45. It is already warm. We are in the Anza Borrego Desert State Wilderness on the Borrego Canyon Trail. There are quite a few people, but the good thing is that it's Tuesday and they're probably aren't as many as it would be on the weekend. And all the folks who are here are older folks and not crazy (like children sometimes are 😊). There is a $10 entrance fee per car or if you're one of those older folks it's $9. Today is an easy day because of Rod's feet. And this is an easy, pleasant hike. Lots of wildflowers. You will see several ocotillo plants. This time of year, they are blooming. Very pretty things. Go early enough and you will get shade in the canyon at about 3/4 of a mile in. The end of the trail is a little anticlimactical because the palm trees were burned in a fire and you can't access them. But you can go alongside them and hear the beautiful creek and birds and so forth. It really is quite beautiful. It took us 1 hour and 22 minutes to go about 1.75 mi to the end of the trail.

On the alternate trail now and it is a bit rockier but far fewer people than on the main trail. And, we saw a gorgeous cactus flower and got several pics of it. We also saw a very large lizard but could not get a picture of him; he was too quick. And on the alternate trail, as probably the same in the afternoon with the main trail, you are definitely exposed. There is no shade. So go early.